Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black Special Offer
You can buy Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black. Also read our Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black reviews before you decide to buy Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black Overview:
Durable steel hardtail frame
Equipped with twist shifters,
Shimano Rear Derailleur, alloy rims and 21 speed gearing
21 speed and front suspension
This is the perfect entry-level men's mountain bike
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This review is from: Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black (Sports)
I'm not sure about the previous post, but I am 6'0" and 210 lbs. and the bike fits me fine. I adjusted the seat and handle bars and it's the right size. The bike came patially assembled and the instructions were clear. It only took me an hour to assemble, but four hours to fine tune and re-tighten everything, including the steering head bearing and pedal bearing. The brakes and rear derailer took a long time to adjust properly, but in the end the bike rides nice. For the money the bike seems to be built tough and it looks good. Only time will tell how it will hold up, but so far I am happy with it.
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This review is from: Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black (Sports)
The Raptor Mantis, Men's, 26-Inch, Mountain Bike, Red/Black,with its Steel Frame, is tough and rugged,yet competitively light and fast. I paid a meager $73.00 on mine not expecting anything near the quality design, materials and workmanship I discovered. I had never put a bike together before, and this required assembly which included simple instructions, and despite my genius IQ I succedded in easily assembling it with the included few necessary tools.The Current price is double what I paid, but its well worth it. Stephen Flynn
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This review is from: Mantis Raptor Men's 26- Inch Bike, Red/Black (Sports)
I am happy with the bike. It is much lighter than a Roadmaster we have. Instructions are not the best but common sense is really all you need. Took about 45 min to put together and another 2 hours to get brakes, seat, gears and handle bars adjusted. Go to youtube for that stuff and it's easy to figure out. Gears don't change the smoothest and I'm sure they are aligned pretty good but they still work properly. Front wheel is a little close to the pedals compared to other bikes so your feet will rub the tire when taking sharp corners (I just go to the balls of my feet when turning now so it won't rub much). It seems well built. The box inside with the parts and the main box were a complete disaster when ups dropped it off. Looked like 4 dobermans went at it for an hour on the truck. I was worried a rim would be bent and some parts would be missing, but all was good.
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