Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) Special Offer
You can buy Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple). Also read our Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) reviews before you decide to buy Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) Overview:
- Women's 26-inch comfort bike with steel comfort frame
- SR suspension fork for improved handling and control
- Shimano/SRAM 21-speed drivetrain; SRAM MRX Grip Shift shifters
- 26-inch comfort wheels; super-soft saddle with suspension post
- Sure-stopping alloy linear pull brakes; alloy rims
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Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) Reviews
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
Good Quality Bicycle for Casual Use, June 27, 2011 By Rogue (Michigan, USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) (Sports) I never considered buying a bike mail-order before, but a special promotion for Amazon credit card holders made it too good of a deal not to try. I am glad I did! The bike arrived in a fairly beat up box but the components were in good condition without any damage. The bike comes 80% assembled. All you have to do is install the handle bars, front wheel, pedals, and seat. The brakes, derailleur, chain, etc. are all pre-assembled. It comes with a owner's manual that has a reasonably good set of assembly instructions (it could use a few more illustrations, in my opinion) with one exception: it does not tell you how to open up the front brakes so that you can install the wheel. I ended up disassembling the brake, which you do not need to do. Search the internet for "linear brake assembly" or similar and you will find instructions (and pictures!) that show you how to open up the brake. It's very simple and should have been in the Schwinn directions. You can probably put the bike... Read more
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
Comfort & Style, October 22, 2011 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) (Sports) This bike suited all my needs. I am short & have back problems which made adjustable handlebars, front shocks & a comfort seat necessary. It was difficult to find that combination with dependable gears, brakes & shifters. But I did... & it's purple! The price was a bit high, but worth it after all my research (& free S+H thru amazon].
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Rogue (Michigan, USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) (Sports) I never considered buying a bike mail-order before, but a special promotion for Amazon credit card holders made it too good of a deal not to try. I am glad I did! The bike arrived in a fairly beat up box but the components were in good condition without any damage. The bike comes 80% assembled. All you have to do is install the handle bars, front wheel, pedals, and seat. The brakes, derailleur, chain, etc. are all pre-assembled. It comes with a owner's manual that has a reasonably good set of assembly instructions (it could use a few more illustrations, in my opinion) with one exception: it does not tell you how to open up the front brakes so that you can install the wheel. I ended up disassembling the brake, which you do not need to do. Search the internet for "linear brake assembly" or similar and you will find instructions (and pictures!) that show you how to open up the brake. It's very simple and should have been in the Schwinn directions. You can probably put the bike... Read more 4 of 4 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Schwinn Women's Miramar Bicycle (Purple) (Sports) This bike suited all my needs. I am short & have back problems which made adjustable handlebars, front shocks & a comfort seat necessary. It was difficult to find that combination with dependable gears, brakes & shifters. But I did... & it's purple! The price was a bit high, but worth it after all my research (& free S+H thru amazon]. |
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